Parties and Soirées

There's always an adage lurking out there that proclaims the once proliferated term: 'Go big or go home'. The truth is, we'd never go big all the time, and we'd still make it home after spending a couple of hundred bucks on that Alexander Wang trousers and Marni neckpiece despite forecasting a celebration after stashing the last piece off the racks. We might go for a venti sized iced latte or make that hasty purchase for that gigantic hundred millilitres (in Tom Ford's case, three hundred) of scented fluid, but we think the exact opposite when it comes to our body masses or choosing between a size two or four (when we know that we actually fit a six).

So what drives us to believe such a mantra when almost every other time we would find that we'd head the reverse direction and then have what we say either bite us back in the ass, haunt us for the rest of our lives or cause us to swallow our very own verbal diarrhoea? If going big is spectacular and going for small is also equally fantastic, why don't we start widening our options and embrace the notion "Go big or (sometimes and) go small"? This gives us more choices in our every day lives and trust me, we all need more alternatives to further enable us to obtain the crème de la crème. Think of it as an act of expanding our closets, we either go for big, bold shoulder padded blazers, or we'd go for that dainty little summer spaghetti dress we got during sale. Or perhaps both?

So when it comes to parties or soirées - which happen to coincidentally fall into the category of Big vs Small - which one will we pick? Could we be more socially enthused and pick a huge crowd to conduct an act known as socialising in order to share communal beliefs, or do we opt for a smaller, succinct and simpler gathering with just a handful amount of close friends? If we put it in the context of cervical sartorial accoutrement aka necklaces whereby we have millions and trillions of decisions we can make to suit our daily different preferences because we chose my 'self-created' notion as aforementioned, which one will we attend?

So I have a few guest lists for a couple of parties and soirées I've been invited. I managed to sieve them out and made these final six decisions for you guys just so you could select and not get disappointed if you were to attend one. If you'd decide to go for a party, you'll have three different types of choices:

A) Zara's Fringey that leaves you gold-dropping and probably you'll hope it's bona fide gold.

B) Dannijo's Imogen sterling silver which isn't that far off compared to the first one. It's as good as gold.

C) Nocture's Tanisha says 'heyyy'. Awesome party. I don't need to further explain myself. Period.

If you'd choose the latter, fret not, you'll also have your options:

D) Pamela Love rosary fuses Jesus and weaponry. Now that's a topic to talk during your minor gathering!

E) Ottoman Hands at ASOS triangular drop necklace which looks like a good vintage piece to pass on to your posterities.

F) Topshop clover and floral. I don't know, it just seems appropriate for a soirée.

Sounds legit? Well, have fun!

Images from, dannijo, asos, topshop and your trusty Google